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Customer Data Platform Company in Dubai

The Customer Data Platform allows you to collect all of your first-party data: navigation behaviors on your website or mobile applications, reactions to your marketing campaigns, customer flows, and data partnerships. We are the best Customer Data Platform Company in Dubai, USA, UK & India.

Customer data platforms (CDPs) are used to consolidate and integrate customer data into one single database. These tools offer marketing teams relevant insights needed to run campaigns. A CDP can grab information from online and offline sources such as websites, mobile apps, and email platforms to offer a complete view of the customer.

After retrieving this data, a CDP can then help organizations predict the optimal next move with a particular customer. This allows businesses to learn what needs to be done to retain specific customers. A CDP can also be used by customer service teams to cater their support to each individual. Marketing automation software, data warehouse software and other platforms that store data can typically integrate with a CDP.

There are a few different types of CDPs to help businesses with varying use cases. A data CDP is the most common system of unified customer data to create a single consumer profile. A campaign CDP is used for campaign management, cross-channel, and multichannel marketing hubs. And an analytics CDP is strictly for the analysis of the type of data it holds.

To qualify for inclusion in the Customer Data Platforms (CDP) category, a product must:

  • Provide a 360-degree view of the customer
  • Gather data from multiple sources into one platform, including first-party, second-party, and third-party data from online and offline sources
  • Unify customer profiles across systems
  • Connect with other systems to allow marketers to execute campaigns
  • Improve targeting for marketing campaigns

Retail Insights Customer Data Platform helps companies build a unified single view of the customer to orchestrate customer experience actions and insights.

Using patented identity resolution technology and the industry’s largest integration marketplace, Audience Stream allows businesses to understand customer behavior and drive relevant, personalized customer experiences across engagement channels like never before. It enables organizations to generate rich customer insights that can be used across the entire tech stack leveraging integrated customer data infrastructure.

It provides a data-driven way to identify and engage only the prospects and customers who have the highest potential to achieve a goal. Retail Insights provides capabilities combining identity resolution, data enrichment, and robust cross-channel audience management. This collection of products unifies the management of the customer data supply chain across the entire lifecycle of data (from collection to enrichment to activation) to deliver significant benefits. With an industry-leading integration marketplace of over 1200 pre-built and customizable integrations, Retail Insights gives customers unparalleled flexibility to get and deliver data from any technology. The benefits of taking a unified approach to the data supply chain include more comprehensive data, faster data, cleaner and higher quality data, lower costs, operational efficiencies, greater organizational agility and a strategically valuable portable data set. A higher-quality data set that is easier to leverage across the organization directly leads to higher quality customer engagement.

Enhancing Customer Journeys with Customer Data Platform

With CDP, companies can unify all their first-party customer data and enrich it with third-party data to create a single comprehensive view of the customer.

CDP can enable financial services firms to unify customer data across all data sources eliminating silos, and accurately creating comprehensive unified customer profiles. This helps empower marketers with actionable insights to deliver personalized real-time marketing campaigns with better ROI with superior omnichannel customer experiences.

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At Retail Insights, we believe that the interactions between internet users and the brand tell us a lot. The CDP is the most appropriate tool to collect and manage this behavioral data. By studying carefully the visits to the pages along with the usage of mobile applications, it is possible to recognize the web behaviors of customers that are likely to own a certain product.

The data onboarding solution associated with the CDP allows matching internet users identified by their web behaviors to an email address that is already located in the CRM database.

Read more about the CDP and its importance:

How Retail Insights can help with your Customer Data Platform Goals?

Retail Insights Customer Data Platform (CDP) offering enables Brands/Firms to create a persistent, unified customer view and orchestrate customer journeys that are dynamically adjusted for the channel, content, and customer preferences. Through each stage of the CDP lifecycle, Retail Insights will partner with you to explore, design and implement the right platform that will help you realize business outcomes. Connect with us today.